
BE Informed
SBA is revitalizing efforts to foster cooperation and collaboration among businesses; advocate for the improvement and growth of the Southampton business community; and inform business owners and community members on issues of key importance. SBA members receive regular updates on issues vital to maintaining a vibrant business community.

BE Heard
SBA directors actively participate with local, state, and national governmental agencies to promote and achieve our collective goals; members are strongly encouraged to voice their concerns and opinions. SBA, through the leadership of its directors, is member-focused and exemplifies the principles of excellence, integrity, innovation, and teamwork.

BE Promoted
SBA conducts ongoing marketing and public relations initiatives to promote our mission, movement, and members. Multiple levels of membership and sponsorships offer an array of promotional benefits for all businesses, big and small.

BE Engaged
Meet the makers, shakers and glass-ceiling breakers - aka your fellow Southampton businesspeople at our events. The SBA hosts Roundtable meetings, seminars, and social functions to review key local issues, business support, action, and initiatives.

The Southampton Business Alliance is an advocacy group protecting the interests of the business community and the hundreds of families that rely on those businesses in the Town of Southampton. We provide a unique government relations function that responds to legislative and regulatory burdens and opportunities in a timely and effective manner. Our goal is to achieve a balance that best serves the economy, the environment and the people of our Township. The Southampton Business Alliance is a not-for-profit corporation under Section 501-C-6 of the Internal Revenue Code.